Are you dealing with skin problems like acne scars, wrinkles, or an uneven skin tone? If so, chemical peels could help minimize your skin conditions and make you appear more youthful and radiant.
What is a Chemical Peel?
As the name implies, a chemical peel is simply a chemical solution that is applied to the skin for varying lengths of time to remove the outer skin layer. The process promotes the formation of new skin that displays fewer skin problems than before the treatment. Medical-grade chemical peels come in different forms; however, we have seen some of the best results using a Vi Peel.
How Do Chemical Peels Work?
Chemical peels cause a removal of the skin similar to a sunburn, but without the long-term hazards associated with prolonged sun exposure. They affect the epidermis or both the epidermis and dermis, depending on the situation. In time, new skin cells begin replacing those lost during the treatment.
Within days of the chemical peel, special cells called fibroblasts become active, producing brand new collagen fibers. The healing process will result in skin inflammation that appears as redness; however, this is temporary.
We perform the VI Peel treatment in the comfort of our office in Princeton. We first thoroughly clean your skin before applying the chemical solution. These gentle types of peels may require repeated treatments in order to obtain ideal results. After your treatment, you may be amazed at the reduction in skin problems like lines and wrinkles and other blemishes.
Who Makes a Good Candidate for a Chemical Peel?
Virtually anyone with no serious health conditions can undergo a chemical peel treatment and benefit. These treatments can leave you looking younger and fresher. If you have acne scars, skin discolorations, uneven texture, fine lines, or oversized pores, a VI Peel can likely benefit you. You won’t know for sure until you come in for a consultation.
Make an appointment at Eminence Medical Aesthetics to get all the facts about chemical peels. During this meeting at our office in Princeton, our team can address whatever questions or concerns you may have about this popular treatment. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and get started!