PRP hair growth is an exciting and innovative approach for hair restoration that is having a positive impact on both men and women. It focuses on tapping into the power of your own blood. Your blood is drawn and sent through a centrifuge in order to separate all of its parts. The part that you need for your hair restoration treatment is platelet-rich plasma, otherwise known as PRP.
Platelets are always present in your blood and act as a powerful repair crew. When you are injured or your cells need to be rejuvenated, the platelets will go to work to take care of the damages. When PRP is used for hair restoration, it is used on your scalp in areas where you have experienced hair loss. The PRP will repair damaged hair follicles. In the coming months, your hair will make a comeback.
Why Choose PRP for Hair Restoration?
PRP treatments give you a completely natural approach to hair restoration. You won’t need to take medication or apply topical treatments that can cause unsettling side effects. It won’t happen overnight. You will need to be patient as your hair gradually grows in once again. PRP treatments take a short amount of time in our office. When you choose PRP treatments, you will spare yourself the more involved recovery that comes with a hair transplant.
Is PRP Right for You?
If you are experiencing hair loss and you want to turn the situation around before it is too late, think about PRP hair restoration. The sooner you begin PRP treatments, the sooner you can see your hair make a comeback. PRP hair restoration is effective for men and women. It can give you a major boost in confidence when you see hair filling in the bare spots on your scalp. You can’t wear a hat all of the time and you can’t hide forever. If hair loss is really getting to you, PRP hair growth can give you the results that you want to see.
Talk to Us About PRP Hair Growth
Whether you have hormone changes or hereditary reasons that your hair is doing a disappearing act, PRP hair growth treatments at Eminence Medical Aesthetics can reverse the problem. Your treatments will go to the source, repairing follicles that aren’t doing their job. See our specialist in Princeton to discuss PRP hair growth and how this exciting approach can give you results. Learn more about what you can expect from your treatments. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and get started!
*Individual Results May Vary