Eminence Medical Aesthetics is a medical spa and anti-aging skin clinic located in Princeton, New Jersey. Dr. Shawn Yunayev is the medical director, and he has a wide-ranging background in such fields as nutrition, aesthetics, preventive medicine, physical rehabilitation and obstetrics/gynecology. Whether you are interested in facial rejuvenation or nail fungus removal, Dr. Yunayev and his team of experienced professionals can help you!
Eminence Medical Aesthetics provides treatments for a variety of conditions that include the following:
• Rosacea
• Toenail fungus
• Scars
• Wrinkles
• Acne
• Excess hair
What is Toenail Fungus?
Nail fungus, also called onychomycosis, is an infection that is most commonly caused by a group of fungi called dermatophytes. They also cause conditions like ringworm and athlete’s foot. In some patients, the fungus can spread from their foot to the toenails or vice versa. Some molds and yeasts can also cause nail fungus. The condition is most common in adults over 40.
What are the Symptoms?
The earliest sign of nail fungus is a yellow or white spot under the tip of the affected nail. As the condition progresses, the patient can develop the following symptoms:
• Abnormally thick nails
• Brittle, ragged or crumbly nails
• Distorted shape
• Discolored nails that appear whitish or yellow-brown
• Abnormally darkened nails caused by debris accumulating under them
• A faint, but foul smell
Severe cases of nail fungus can be painful and permanently damage the nails. Nail fungus can also cause complications in people with weakened immune systems or diseases like diabetes or psoriasis.
How is Nail Fungus Treated?
Eminence Medical Aesthetics uses Laser Genesis for nail fungus removal. Laser treatments are convenient and straightforward. The treatments are safe and can even be used on patients with certain medical conditions. Laser treatment for nail fungus is an outpatient procedure performed in the comfort of our office.
Getting Started
Are you ready to make your toenail fungus a thing of the past? Make an appointment at Eminence Medical Aesthetics in Princeton and learn more information about how Laser Genesis can be used for nail fungus removal. Contact us today to schedule a consultation!